Dr Tony Lopez

Dr Tony Lopez was educated in London, England and trained medically at St. Thomas’s Hospital (University of London) graduating with a BSc in Biochemistry in 1985 and qualifying with MB BS in 1988. His Postgraduate Medical Education at Northwick Park, Hammersmith, Royal Brompton National Heart & Lung and Royal Marsden Hospitals led to the MRCP qualification in 1991.


He was appointed Radiology Registrar at Hammersmith Hospital in 1991 before joining the St. George’s Hospital Rotation as a Senior Registrar in 1993 gaining FRCR in 1994. Experience was established at The National Hospital for Nervous Diseases, Royal Marsden & Great Ormond Street Hospitals as well as St. George’s Hospital.


He was appointed Consultant at Royal Surrey County Hospital and St. Luke’s Cancer Centre in 1996 with a major interest in Interventional Radiology and subspecialty interests in invasive coronary angiography & gastrointestinal endoscopic intervention.  Dr Lopez was appointed lead radiologist in 2002-6 and is currently lead interventional radiologist in the department.